Thank you for purchasing TGG's Quack Pack Subscription Box!
Here is the item list for August 2023 and any additional links necessary for the boxes contents...
Extra Supplies Needed:
- Black Acrylic Paint - Any
- Magic Flow™ - 2 Mom's Craft Shack
- Rubber Gloves
- Mixing Cups
- Scissors / Exacto Knife
- Torch
- Can - Do Attitude
- *Optional* Hot Glue Gun w/ Colored Hot Glue Sticks
**PRO TIP - If the plastic candle adapter is hard to fit, gently warm it with a heat gun and it should slide on a bit easier!**
Discount Codes & Links
Craft Crate - USE CODE QUACK for $5 your next purchase
2Moms Craft Shack - USE CODE TGGBOX for $5 OFF 32oz Magic Flow™!
Acrylic Blank SVG Download
*NFC Tag App Writing/Reading for IOS & Android:
Android Apps Toos:1.NFC TagWriter by NXP, 2. NFC Tools.
NFC iOS Apps (iPhone and iPad): 1.NFC Tools, 2.NFC TagWriter by NXP, 3.Smart NFC