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How to Make an Epoxy River Table

If you're anything like me, you're probably mesmerized anytime an epoxy river table comes across your feed. Just follow the steps below and you can join in on the craze of river tables. Here are the steps on how to make an epoxy river table:

1. **Gather your materials.** You will need the following materials:
* Wood slabs (for the top of the table)
* Epoxy resin
* Pigments (optional)
* Filler (optional)
* Clamps
* Safety gear (gloves, goggles, respirator)
* Stir sticks
* Pouring cups
* Rags
* Painter's tape
* Sandpaper
* Wood finish

2. **Prepare the wood slabs.** Sand the wood slabs smooth and wipe them down with a damp cloth. If you are using live edge slabs, you may want to seal the edges with a wood finish to prevent them from drying out.

3. **Cut the wood slabs to size.** If you are using live edge slabs, you may need to cut them to size so that they fit together nicely. Use a circular saw or table saw to make the cuts.

4. **Assemble the table top.** Once the wood slabs are cut to size, you can assemble the table top. Use clamps to hold the slabs in place.

5. **Mix the epoxy resin.** Follow the instructions on the epoxy resin package to mix the resin and hardener. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear safety gear.

6. **Pour the epoxy resin.** Pour the epoxy resin into the table top. Use a stir stick to spread the resin evenly.

7. **Add pigments (optional).** If you want to add color to the epoxy resin, you can add pigments at this stage. Use a small amount of pigment and mix it well into the resin.

8. **Add filler (optional).** If you want to add a filler to the epoxy resin, you can add it at this stage. Use a small amount of filler and mix it well into the resin.

9. **Smooth the epoxy resin.** Use a stir stick to smooth the epoxy resin. You can also use a heat gun or torch to help smooth the resin.

10. **Remove the air bubbles.** Use a toothpick or skewer to remove any air bubbles from the epoxy resin.

11. **Let the epoxy resin cure.** The epoxy resin will need to cure for at least 24 hours. Once the epoxy resin is cured, you can sand it smooth and apply a wood finish.

Here are some tips for making an epoxy river table:

* Use a high-quality epoxy resin. This will help to ensure that your table top is durable and long-lasting.
* Work in a well-ventilated area. Epoxy resin can be harmful if inhaled.
* Wear safety gear. This includes gloves, goggles, and a respirator.
* Follow the instructions on the epoxy resin package. This will help to ensure that you mix and pour the resin correctly.
* Be patient. Epoxy resin takes time to cure. Be patient and let the resin cure completely before using your table.
Next article How to Make a Glitter Wall in Your Craft Room

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